Berkshire War Memorials


Sunningdale Monument

A stone obelisk (WM5125) (WAM279) (N7934)
located at the junction of Church Road and High Street
The original list of names suffered severe weathering and has been replaced by a marble tablet with two extra names for WW1 and one extra for WW2. The modern tablet bears 50 names for WW1 and 33 for WW2

Holy Trinity Church

WW1 Memorial (WM5513)
48 names from WW1 on brass plaque

Peel memorial (WM6125)
in memory of Home Peel - d 24/3 1918 and his sister Maud d 13/12/1917

West memorial (WM6126)
in memory of Lionel West - d 23/4/1915

Sunningdale School

Memorial Window (WM5692) (WAM278) (N18743)
60 names for WW1

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Below you will see a table listing the men who appear on the memorial(s). However please note the following

Some men will appear several times either because they appear on two or more memorials, or they have served under two or more numbers or units or because they are recorded under two or more addresses. These categories will multiply up.

Most dates will be written in the international form of YYYYMMDD

details of men
Men whose names appear
2011 - © Berkshire Archaeological Society