Berkshire War Memorials

West Berkshire - PANGBOURNE- St James Churchyard

Pangbourne War Memorial (WM5016) (WB041) (N9084)

A stone cross in the churchyard facing Pangbourne Hill. Bears the names of 34men from WW1 and 14 from WW2

Aldworth family grave (WB098)

in memory of Ernest Aldworth died 1/4/1917 at Basra and remembered on his parent's grave (Photo Phil Wood)

The grave of Thomas Arthur Allen (WB054)

died 1943 (Photo Phil Wood)

The grave of H Clarke (WB053)

died 1915 (Photo Phil Wood)

The grave of John Sparrowhawk (WB052)

died 1941 (Photo Phil Wood)

Taylor family grave (WB049)

In memory of Vernon Howard Taylor died 1916 (Photo Phil Wood)

The grave of J Terry (WB051)

died 1943 (Photo Phil Wood)

The grave of Charles West (WB050)

died 1916 (Photo Phil Wood)

West family grave (WB099)

In memory of Edward West died 1916 on his grandfather's grave (Photo Phil Wood)

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